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Tic Tac Teo Game in Java - Advanced Programming

Task 1:

You need to implement a basic Tic-tac-toe game. Implement a main class called “TicTacToeGame”, which contains some simple methods. You don’t need to change the names of already existing methods but you can add more according to your coding requirements.
For TicTacToe game, we have any array for the board. The upper left corner is element 0 and upper right element is 2. The lower left and lower right elements are 6 and 8 respectively.

The execution of the game is shown below:

  1. As the program starts executing, player X starts
  2. The player types in a column and a row number. For example for column A and row 3, it should be ‘A3’.
  3. The program should verify that the box is not already populated if it is already set then the program asks the player to re-enter a new column and a row. If it is not already populated then set that particular box to X.
  4. Program checks to verify if there is any winner
  5. The program prints out the Tictactoe board.
  6. The program asked player O to type in a column and a row number.
  7. The program should verify that the box is not already populated if it is already set then the program asks the player to re-enter a new column and a row. If it is not already populated then set that particular box to O.
  8. Program checks to verify if there is any winner
  9. The program prints out the Tictactoe board.
  10. The steps should be repeated until all boxes are populated or a winner is found.
  11. The program should end.

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I'm Hassnain. A full time Java Developer. I enjoy to make modern projects. I love to create JavaFX, Java Swing GUI and write about Java Programming, OOP. Now I'm working with CS2IT. You can buy our projects from here.

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